J: Good morning. What seems to be the problem today?
S: Good morning. I have a problem with my ankles. It’s a rash and so my ankles are slightly swollen.
J: I’m sorry to hear that. First, I need some information. May I have your full name and date of birth?
S: My name is Eric Redding. My birthday is November 7th 1989.
J: So, do you have insurance or travel insurance?
S: Yes, it’s right here.
J: Okay, the doctor will see you now.
S: Thanks. Have a nice day.
J: Hi, I’m Dr. Boyle. So I heard about the problem. What caused the problem? How did it happen?
S: Well, the food at the hotel didn’t agree with me. So maybe that caused it. And I went swimming at the hotel. Maybe I got rash there.
J: Is the problem getting worse or getting better?
S: It’s getting worse. I can’t stop scratching.
J: Okay. I’ll write you a prescription for some good medicine. Pick up this medicine at the pharmacy next door. I hope you get better to enjoy Halloween this month.
S: Me, too! Thank you, Dr. Boyle.
S : おはようございます。私の足首の調子が悪いんです。発疹が出ていて、足首が少し腫れているんです。
S : 名前はエリック・レディングです。誕生日は1989年11月7日です。
S : ありがとうございます。良い一日をお過ごしください。
S : そうですね、ホテルの食事が合わなかったんです。だからそれが原因かもしれないです。それに、ホテルで泳ぎました。そこでかぶれたのかもしれません。
S : そう思います。ボイル先生、ありがとうございました。
- 総アクセス数(832)