J : Welcome to the White House Tour. First, do you have any cold symptoms?
S : No, I feel fine.
J : May I take your temperature?
S : Sure. Go right ahead.
J : You have a normal temperature. Next, just walk through this x-ray machine.
Go ahead. ( The buzzer goes off. ) Ah, do you have anything in your pockets now?
S : Sorry about that. I forgot to take my car keys out of my pocket.
J : All clear. To stop the spread of COVID keeps your mask over your nose at all times. By the way I like your mask. Where did you get it?
S : Oh, thanks. It’s one of my favorites. Actually I made it myself. The fabric is from an old kimono.
J : I see. Next, tell me your thoughts about the President of the United States.
S : Um, I don’t know about her, but she seems kind and thoughtful. And she seems like a good leader so far.
J : Okay. So, follow me. Everyone, we have a very special treat today. Can you guess what kind of special treat?
S : I have no idea. Is there a special performance?
J : Your guide for the Whit House Tour is Madam Esther P.R— the President of the United States.
P : Hey folks, welcome to the White House.
S : Oh, thank you, Madam President. It’s an honor to meet you. I’m a big fan of yours.
※ 大統領の名前はスペルがわからなかったので適当です。
- 総アクセス数(1,102)