Hey you guys, I need
some fashion advice. Oh !(A1:How does this look?) Well, it's a little low... pick up a little...
a little bit more...
a little bit more... There you go! Now throw it away! C'mon! This looks good! Ross, please, trust me. (A2:I buy 30 fashion magazines
a month.) Now, I don't know
who's running for president or who that... NATO guy is, but I do know that you have to get as far away as you can from that hat. Damnit! I have
this date tomorrow night and I have to look cool! Well, you know, if you want fashion help, Rachel and I are going shopping tomorrow. You're
more than welcome to come with us, right? Really? That would be great. I mean, (A3:I have to do something, she kinda teas
ed me about how I dress.) I can see why, nice shirt! You're wearing the same shirt. Stupid Gap
on every corner!
This place is awesome! You know, we should just go, I’m not gonna find anything here! This stuff is ridiculous! Ah, this place is great! Wow ! Rach, come on, I’m not gonna wear any of this! (B1:Nothing silver. Ok? Nothing with hair! And nothing
with padlocks on it!) Ross, look, I know that some of this stuff is out there, but I mean, come on, look at this, look at this sweater!. I mean, this is just beautiful! Wow, this is really soft. Three hundred and fifty dollars? Yeah,
down from seven hundred, you are saving like two hundred bucks! Both logic and math are taking a serious hit today. Hey, check this out! It’s totally you! Wow! Yeah! Actually this looks like pretty good! Yeah! Boys will be boys? What? They will be! All right, that’s it, I’m
getting out of here. No, no, no, no! Ross, wait! Come on! You know, there’s other stuff. Here’s a nice shirt, look at these nice pants...Uh, actually these
might look pretty good on me. Yes, they will! You know
what you should do? Just go take a walk, all right? I know your size and I’m... I’m gonna pick up some really good stuff for you. Really? Yes! And I know
what looks sexy on guys. Please, (B2:just wear
what I suggest, and she’s gonna go nuts for you.) So, you’re saying, uh, if I wear these pants I might be getting into hers? Why do men keep talking to me like this?
We got some really great stuff! Yeah, yeah but I am not sure about
some of the bra's I got. Oh! Really? (B3:Do you wanna try some
of them on for me?) Oh! okay. Wait, are we in Joey's imagination? Oh no! I took
one of Ross' bags by mistake, and
one of mine is missing. oh, well, (B4:Ross probably has it, you can get it from him later.)
So? What do you think? I think we're not wearing the same shirt anymore!!Yeah! Yeah! Rachel picked it out for me. She told me
to trust her and you know what? I'm glad I did! I turned quite a few heads
on my way over here. Dude, I really don't think you should be wearing that. Oh, I see,
somebody is afraid of a little competition with the ladies? (B5:
Looks like someone IS the ladies!!)You're just jealous because you could
n't pull this off. Yeah, now if you'll excuse me I have a date. ALL eyes on ME!
Wow, this place looks great. Oh! You are gonna love it! and I'm so glad, we're finally doing this. Me too! Here. So this was fun!
but I do know that you have to get as far away as you can from that hat.
if I wear these pants I might be getting into hers?
このI might be getting into hers.は性的意味?DVDの日本語字幕で見ました。
You're just jealous because you couldn't pull this off.
調べると、pull offは「成功する」という意味みたいです。
> You are (more than) welcome to come with us, right?
more than welcome to で大歓迎だそうです。
> Stupid Gap (on every) corner!
on every corner でどこにでもあるって感じでしょうか
>Both logic and math are taking a serious hit today.
最初は logic と math がぶつかってるってるってことかと思ったんだけど、
調べてみると take a hit で、大打撃を受ける、〔評判・人気など〕が急激に落ちる、
これは意訳じゃないでしょうか?Logic and math are taking a serious hit today. は「その論理と計算は打撃だ(めちゃくちゃだ)」という事なんでしょうが、翻訳の方が「合ってる」と解釈したのでは?