結論から申しますと、空欄の正解は、do me a favor sweetieでした。私が間違っていました。sweetieが抜けておりました。友達にもsweetieって言うんですね。
maplesyrupさんの助けを借りて、do me a favor の後にsoとかSの音が気になって何度も聞きましたが聞き取れず。maplesyrupさんの助けに感謝しております。ありがとうございます。
Hey! Hey! Hey! What are you guys doing up? Oh, we
wanted to finish the crossword before we
went to bed. Hey, do you know
a six-letter word for red? Dark red. Yeah, I think that's wrong, but there's a Connect the Dots in here for you later. Hey, how about maroon? Yes, you are so smart! you guys are so cute! I know. All right, I'll see you
in the morning. Okay.
You know, I love doing
crossword puzzles with you honey! Me too. Now let's finish this
and go to bed. Okay!
There's only one left, three letter word, not dog but…Cat. Yes! You are so smart! I love you. I love you too.
Hey. Hey! Oh. Hi, Joe. Yeah,
I didn’t know you guys were going to be here. Hey Joey, (do me a favor
sweetie), taste this. What?! Why?! It's okay Joe. She's a trained chef. Uh, actually I was uh looking for Phoebe.
you just missed her. Oh
was that her? I gotta go. All right Joey, wait
a minute. Wait. What is going on with you? Nothing! Oh, come on! You've been acting strange all day! All right! There is something. I kinda had a dream, but I don't want to talk about it. Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-what-what if Martin Luther King had said that? I kinda
have a dream! I don’t want to talk about it. Well, it
involved Monica. You
had a dream about a girl that I am seeing?! Oh, that is so cool!
I can't tell you how many times I've dreamt about a girl that he was seeing. Anyway we're talking about your dream. I love you. Your dream? Don't worry, there wasn't
any sex in it or anything.
I haven't dreamt about her like that since I found out about you two--ish. What was the dream about? Well, okay. You
were my girlfriend and we were doing the crossword puzzle. You know like you guys were doing last night. So, that's it. I'm in love with Monica and I'll be moving out. Wait, Joey! Joey! That doesn’t mean that-that you're in love with me! It-it doesn’t? No! No, it can mean anything. Like uh,
all of the sudden you're jealous because I've become the apartment stud.
That kinda sounds like your dream dude.
解答を見たあとの感想は、ドラマは難しいというのと自分の力不足を改めて痛感しました。え、これ言ってるの?全然聞こえないっていうのも多々ありました。all of the sudden も今も聞いてて、え?all of the sud.....までしか聞こえない。でも、慣れれば、ここは、all of the sudden.なんだろうなと理解できるようになるかもしれませんね。
解答スクリプトの下線部を引いたところは私にとって発見でした。なぜなら dreamt の発音を知らなかったからです。正しい発音を知らないために文の正しい意味も理解できなかったし、もちろんディクテーションも出来なかった。
そのため、ディクテーションに挑戦したときには、本来はdreamt の所ををdropped やfrontなどと自分で書いてて訳の分からない文を書いてたのです。
dreamt は大きな収穫でした。
あと、two...ish. の所ですが、数字にishが付くと、およそ(数字)ぐらいという意味になるらしいです。
例えば、人に会う時間を7ish と言えば、7時ぐらいに会おうと言う意味らしいです。