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10:33 MihoGさん

Be centered、oracle card reading


アメリカでは、よく「Be centered.」なんていうフレーズを聞きます。
で、見つけたのがこのサイトです。Be centered.

Being centered means to be balanced in this instant(Bad days) one hundred percent, taking in information without clouding it with expectations or fear. Just taking in information and making creative, intuitive decisions informed by our “CENTER,” our true intent, our original self. If you are centered, you are aware of your surroundings.

が「Find the center」ってよく言ってました。

Be centered.

さて、今日は、ドリーン博士のオラクルカードリーディングのDictation です。

今日のカードは:Ready, Set, Go! よーい、どん!?
カードの下に書かれていたメッセージは、- Now is the perfect moment to dive in and embrace your heart desire!

What are watery goddesses have to say today? 楽しみですね

This mermaid is tipped in the water. she is not fully immersed in a water. She's got just edge of the fin, you can call that her toes.

This card signify a beginning. The power of nature to support you.

Particularly, if you are feeling like unsupported by people, or even unsupported by heaven at this moment, if you feeling kind of alone or stack. This really is showing partnership with nature.

And we know that the ego is gonna trying to tell you that you are not connected enough to nature to deserve this. Ego may even trying to feed you some guilt about current situation in the gulf or etc... that you feel like you're not doing enough for nature to deserve and warrant its help, but that's just the ego.

Mother nature is like an angel, and of course she welcomes your help, and definitely welcomes physical help and spiritual help with all situations, and definitely welcomes your help recycling and using eco-friendly cleaning products, etc, but does not require you, does not enact conditional love to embrace you.

Mother nature loves you, is part of you and wants to connect with you on an even deeper basis, wants you to go outside, and,

if you're at the beginning of some new goal, some new change in your life, some new intention, some new ideas that are budding and you're not quite sure of them, just like yesterday's card said,

Get outside, get around water, drink a lot of water

Visualize water, too. That came up in yesterday's reading, but I didn't verbalize it, that you don't have to necessarily, physically be by water's the ideal but you can sit there and close your eyes and meditate about the water and being in water, and that actually will enact a lot of the magic for you.

One of the things I'll do, if I need to kind of de-stress, is I'll actually visualize the ocean and mermaids and dolphins and unicorns and it's very tranquil and definitely takes me into that space of centered-ness and peace. So try doing that today.

But the main message that they want me to emphasize is that you are ready to begin, to put your toes in the water, metaphorically, with your goal, with your intention and Just go! Go! they say with an exclamation mark. Don't hesitate, don't compromise, don't water it down with doubts.

Let's take a deep breath, and exhale, letting go of any sort of doubts.

And I'm hearing, enjoy this moment, no matter what.

If the following words confused you, change the word to the next one.
warrant = deserve, earn
enact = perform, do
centered-ness : means the condition of being centered.
metaphorically = not literally
water it down = dilute
don't water it down with doubts. = Have a confident

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