今回、一番気に入った台詞は、I am not blah. I am a hoot! です!
【前半】Janine Hates Monica & Chandler
then the farmer says, "That’s not a cow
and you’re not milking it." I am so glad you guys got together, Chandler and I are always looking for a couple to go out with and now we have one! Look at us, we
’re a couple of couples! I had so much fun tonight, and what a great restaurant. Yeah. And Chandler I can’t believe I let you pay for this one. Thanks man. So do you guys gonna come over tomorrow? I’ll make that pasta thing I was telling you about. Oh that would be great! Oh, but hey look, at least let us bring the wine. Joey, you don’t have too! Nope-op! I insist! You get the wine right? Yeah all right. Okay, good night guys. See ya tomorrow! Tomorrow! Can’t wait!
How are we gonna get out of that one? What? I can’t handle two nights in a row with them. What-what’s wrong with Monica and Chandler? I don’t know, they’re just a little blah! Blah?! Well y’know, he’s blah, (1: she’s just—she’s very loud for such a small person. )Uh, they’re like my best friends. Are you saying we can’t hang out with them? ‘Cause that would kinda be a problem. No! Of course we can still hang out with them. Just y’know, not two nights in a row. Okay? I guess. Thank you.
If you want, I’ll sell my friends and use the money to buy you presents.
(1:50) Hey! Hi!
The dinner will be ready in twenty minutes.
This is so exciting. And here is the bottle of wine for you
to bring over tonight. You were also going to buy Monica flowers but you couldn’t afford it, because you paid dinner last night. Thanks. Thanks, but uh actually it’s just gonna be me
again tonight. What happened to Janine? Oh, she’s uh-uh really sick. Oh that’s too bad. Yeah, she’s been in there all day uh high fever, a nose problem… Phlegm! Phlegm! Phlegm-phlegm-phlegm ! Monica! Chandler! I’m really-really sorry about tonight. I don’t know if Joey told you; (2: I just couldn’t
get out of going to this play. )I’m sorry. Have a great time. ‘Kay! Bye. That’s funny, I saw no phlegm.
(2:46)No-no, she really is sick! Then why-why is she going to a play?!Uh, y’know,
starve a fever, go to a play for a cold. Joey! Why is Janine not coming over for dinner?!Well uh, she
didn’t want to hang out with you guys two nights in a row. I’m so sorry. Well, why does she not want to hang out with us?! Because she uh, she-she thinks that you are blah and that you, Monica, are too loud. What?!! What? So she was just pretending to have a good time last night? She
was lying to our faces?! Ugh, I cannot believe this! (3:
I mean, who is she to judge us?
We could not have been nicer to her ! )And I am not blah, I am a hoot !I know! I know! Come on, please-please you guys, don’t-don’t be mad. I’m sure she just, she just said that stuff because she was nervous and you guys are like my best friends! Y’know? And it was our first date! Plus, she’s really sick!
No, you sh—No you said you made that up!!I know, but don’t you think the sick thing is way better than the play thing?
Eh, they’re both good. I generally just go with, Monica’s drunk again. Come on you guys, come on please-please just give her another chance, huh? She’ll come around I promise. Of course we will, come on we
gotta make dinner. Okay. I do
not like that woman! I can hear you! I
am loud!
(1| 1:15~ she’s just—she’s very loud for such a small person. )
(2| 2:30~ But I just couldn’t get out of going to this play. )
(3 | 3:29~ I mean, who is she to judge us? We could not have been nicer to her ! )
問題3が難しかった^^;I meanって言ってる?と持ったけど、かすかにI meanのような音が入ってる。後半も難しかった^^;でも確かにbeenという音が聞こえる。。。
(0:03) That’s not a cow and you’re not milking it.
(0:13) Look at us, we’re a couple of couples!
ここは悩ましたが、marukoさんのいう通り、a couple of couples.です♪
(1:43) If you want, I’ll sell my friends and use the money to buy you presents.
(1:52) This is so exciting.
ええ、excitedにも聞こえる^^;excitingなんだ。あ、でもよく聞くと、excitingの前に何か聞こえる。 これがthis isなんですね。
(2:05) but uh actually it’s just gonna be me again tonight.
(2:52) Uh, y’know, starve a fever, go to a play for a cold.
starveだったんだ! お腹がすいて熱が出ているって意味でしょうか?それとも、フィーバーに切望してるって意味かな?
と思って、starve feverと検索すると、
ことわざだったんですね!納得です。Feed a cold and starve a fever.
(諺)かぜには大食, 熱には小食(がよい)
(3:24) She was lying to our faces?!
意味はちょっと調べても分からなかったですけど、she was lying to our facesで検索すると、「My girlfriend lied to my face?」というのが出てきました。
調べると、to someone's face は「(人)に面と向かって」という意味らしい。
(3:32)And I am not blah, I am a hoot !
>研究社 新英和中辞典では、
hoot 【名】【C】
1 ホー 《フクロウの鳴き声》.
2 ブーブー, ポー 《汽笛・警笛の音》.
II やじる声, あざけり[不賛成]の叫び.
III 《口語》
1 笑い.
2 おかしなこと, こっけいなこと.
IV [否定文で] 《口語》 無価値なもの, 少量
つまり、III で「口語」として「笑い」「おかしなこと、こっけいなこと」と出ていることを考えると、元々は「やじる声、あざけりの叫び」という意味だったのが、現代口語では「おかしなこと」という「笑い」の方面でも使われるようになった、ということかなぁ?と。
be a hoot = be very funny ということだと、チャンドラーが、「俺は blah じゃない!」と言った後に、I'm very funny! と言っても良かったように思いますが、そこをあえて、I am a hoot! と言ったのは、blah も hoot も「擬音語(または擬音語のようなもの)」という共通点があるからかな?と思ったりします。
LAAD のそれぞれの単語の Etymology (Word Origin) 「語源」を見てみると、
hoot : From the sound
blah : From the sound of empty talk
ですから、「チャンドラーってつまらない」という意味で、blah という言葉を使ったジャニーンに対して、俺のことを擬音語で表現するなら、ブラーじゃなくて、フートだろ、みたいに、つまり、「同じ”音カテゴリーの言 葉”で言うと、こっちだろ!」的な言い方をしたのかなぁ、と思いました。
(3:52) I know, but don’t you think the sick thing is way better than the play thing? Eh, they’re both good. I generally just go with, Monica’s drunk again.
(4:16) I do
not like that woman! I can hear you! I
am loud!
not やamを強調してはっきりってるのが、面白い^^