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22:09 earth-riseさん

外国人が驚いた日本  What foreigners surprised at in Japan

  • その他

If you would help with my English, I would be very happy.

One day, I watched at TV program about what foreigners surprised at in Japan.




☆One man from Nepal surprised to see a big black car running. It had a shiny golden roof gorgeously-sculptured, and was brilliant and cool. He said to his friend he wanted to rent it, but the friend stopped him.

Oh, Nepalese, you have a good friend. He is right. Everyone does stop you. But don’t feel disappointed. No one can buy the car, but anyone can rent it. Surely you can, after your body sees your soul go to paradise, your body enjoys your ride in the brilliant car from a temple to a special place where they change your body into smoke going up for heaven. Look forward to the time.

The gorgeous car is called 霊柩車(れいきゅうしゃ).
You can see some pictures here: 霊柩車 Wiki

Cremation-burial is common in Japan. After a funeral gathering in a temple, body was carried by a special car:霊柩車. The one with a shiny sculptured roof ( the second picture) is popular, but these days the numbers of people using a simple black car(the third picture) is increasing.



☆One woman from America said the followings in Japanese very fluently.
“When I attended a parent-teacher’s meeting, I was very surprised at every mother saying bad things about her child.
One mother said, ‘My child is very fat. He weighs 50kg. I worry about that. Mr. XX, please inhibit him from having some more lunch.’
Another said, ‘My son is a restless boy. I’ve bothered myself about that. I’m afraid he will trouble your children with his behaviors, but I want he can play nice with them.’
Hearing other mothers speaking, I thought what to say. And then, It come my turn, I said, ‘My son can’t understand Japanese well, so I’m sorry if he would bother your children, but please get along with him.` In fact, I never think such a thing. Ha,ha,ha.”


What fluent Japanese! What a deep understanding about Japan she has! What a perfect Japanese-style-speech in the meeting she made!
What you say to others is often different from what you think in your mind in Japan, especially in official meetings. It’s custom that you speak about your family’s weak points to others, because Japanese think that is a condescending manner, even if the words sound bad to an American woman.
Words by mothers in such a meeting is not “name-calling”, but “bellyache”, and actually they are “real feeling”. 

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①One day, I watched at TV program about what foreigners surprised at in Japan. -> One day, I watched a TV program about what foreigners were surprised by in Japan.

②your body enjoys your ride in the brilliant car -> your body will enjoy the ride in the brilliant car

③change your body into smoke going up for heaven -> change your body into smoke for going up to heaven

④body was carried by a special car: 霊柩車 -> the body is carried by a special car called 霊柩車


This kind of car is called a "hearse" in English. In America, when a hearse is going to the graveyard, they drive with their headlights on (even though it's daytime) and drive very slowly. Also, they don't stop at red lights. Other cars on the road must stop and let the hearse through. The family of the deceased follows the hearse in the own cars to the graveyard. Is it the same in Japan?

⑤the numbers of people using -> the number of people using

⑥One woman from America said the followings in Japanese very fluently. -> One woman from America said the following in Japanese very fluently.

⑦parent-teacher's meeting

これは分かりますけど、こういう会議は英語で「parent-teacher conference」といいます。

⑧please inhibit him from having some more lunch -> please stop him from eating so much during lunch


⑨I’ve bothered myself about that. I’m afraid he will trouble your children with his behaviors, but I want he can play nice with them.’ -> I'm very concerned about that. I'm afraid he will trouble your children with his behavior, but I hope he can play nice with them."

⑩Hearing other mothers speaking, I thought what to say. And then, It come my turn, I said, ‘My son can’t understand Japanese well, so I’m sorry if he would bother your children, but please get along with him.` In fact, I never think such a thing. Ha,ha,ha.” ->
While listening to the other mothers speaking, I thought about what to say. And then, when my turn came, I said, "My son can't understand Japanese well, so I apologize if he bothers your children, but please (try to) get along with him." That wasn't what I really thought, though. Ha, ha, ha."

⑪because Japanese think that is a condescending manner -> because Japanese think that it is a humble way to speak


⑫Words by mothers in such a meeting is not “name-calling”, but “bellyache”, and actually they are “real feeling” -> What mothers say in such a meeting is not "name calling" but "bellyaching", and they really are what they truly think.

う~ん。アメリカの両親は「parent teacher conference」で何を言うか今知りたいです。(笑)僕の事を何を言いましたか、母さん?(o_o)



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