• ようこそゲストさん!



09:38 neginohanaさん

fall (or drop) into someone's lap

  • 英語学習資料
fall (or drop) into someone's lap

(of something desirable) be acquired by or happen to someone without any effort being made on their part.


‘The point is that nothing will just fall into your lap.’

‘I was looking for a women writer of the past to promote (with a text out of copyright), and this book fell into my lap.’

‘Well, you know, it was just fell into my lap, really.’

‘Having a hit is what Aimee really wants and it fell into my lap.’

‘But because I'm an opportunist, I just take whatever falls into my lap.’

‘It's a failing of me as a journalist that I didn't do some simple things at the very start, when the story was falling into my lap, that would have made this easier, but live and learn.’

‘Nothing I have fell into my lap like a lottery prize. It was hard, lonely work - I hit a lot of dead ends, and I took a lot of wrong turns.’

‘So much money, it just fell into my lap all at once.’

あと、lap って、ひとりの人の lap は一つなんですね。
てっきり、knee などと同じで、 laps になるのかと思ってました。


Masx, come here and sit on my knee. I'll read you a story.

っていうのがあったので調べたのですが、この場合はkneesじゃなくて、knee みたいです。

knee は普通は膝小僧を表すけど、座ったときの膝(lap)の意味で使うこともあるらしいです。その時は、lap と同じで knee と単数なのかな。
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