Was I Suspected?
1: auge (17)さん
2: イチゴさん
I was excited about your story. Your son is very cute. He saved you. haha. I agree with you if your son was crying when the police officer asked you. I think you would have been suspected as kidnapper. Your son is so cute.
3: えるさん
>>1 auge (17)さん あ゛、どちらでもいいのですが、こちらのほうがいいでしょうか。 よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m
4: えるさん
>>2 イチゴさん Thank you for your reading and comment. While he is making a tantrum, I can do nothing, though. :( I think a lot of funny happenings like this may make our precious memory. ;)
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