【黒字の文は私が書いたものです。元はすべて英語で書きましたが、ここでは日本語にしてあります。紫はNative の方に いただいたコメントで、その和訳は私です。】
中学ではじめに「some」と「any」を習ったとき、先生は「some は肯定文で、any は否定文と疑問文で使うのです」とおっしゃいました。
#1 I have some CDs.
#2 I don’t have any CDs.
#3 Do you have any CDs?
#4 Would you like some cookies?
#5 I will do anything to help her.
これは、「I will do whatever I can do to help her. (彼女を助けるためならどんなことだってするつもりだ)」という意味だと思います。話し手はどうしても彼女を助けたいのですよね?
Yes, that is exactly what it means.
Will さん:
-Numbers 5 and 6 are close. Number 5 gives you more emphasis and it's more affirmative. It's saying, definitely, I'll help her no matter what.
#6 I will do something to help her.
Yes. The meaning would change slightly depending on which word is inflected.
Will さん:
Number 6 is more of you help here, but there's a bit of uncertainty. I will help here in ( a certain way/ manner) but I'm not sure what it is.
こんな例文も見つけました。(New Horizon 中2教科書)
#7 Could you please give me some water?I’m very thirsty.
#8 Could you please give me any water?
It is normal in English to say 'some' when asking for things e.g. "May I have some food" or "Could you give me some water".
(英語では普通何かをくださいと頼む時には「some」を使います。例えば「May I have some food」とか「Could you give me some water」とか。)
You would only use 'any' if you were asking if they had any e.g. "Do you have any water?"
(相手がそれを持っているかどうかを尋ねるときだけ「any」を使います。例えば「Do you have any water?」のように。)
This is normally more desperate than the first example - so you'd say "May I have some water" to someone you know has water, and you'd say "Do you have any water" if you aren't sure.
(これは普通、最初の例文よりもせっぱつまっています。それで相手が水を持っているとわかっている場合は「May I have some water?」と言い、持っているかどうかわからない場合は「Do you have any water?」と言います。)
Will さん:
Doesn't work. You would have to say: Could you please give me some water. Any would be fine.
(#8はダメです。” Could you please give me some water.?Any would be fine. “ と言わなくてはいけません。)
Could you please give me some water- I need water in any type, in any format. It doesn't matter.- Could you please give me a cup of water- I need a specific amount of water, but I don't care about the type of water.- If you don't care about the quality of water you need to state: Could you please give me some water? Any would be fine, any will do etc...
「Could you please give me some water?- I need water in any type, in any format. It doesn't matter」
「Could you please give me a cup of water?- I need a specific amount of water, but I don't care about the type of water.」
「If you don't care about the quality of water you need to state」
「Could you please give me some water? Any would be fine, any will do」
#8 Is there anything I can do for you?
#9 Is there something I can do for you?
# 10 Do you need any help?
# 11 Do you need some help?
I'd go with #8 over #9 ("Is there anything I can do for you").
(私なら#9よりも#8 "Is there anything I can do for you"を選びます。)
#9, depending on the tone of your voice, can sound a little rude/condescending - it's what I'd maybe say to someone who is staring at me or hanging around unwanted without saying anything. Of course other people may have different reactions to that sentence, but that's how it sounds to me. #8 sounds more polite.
(#9は、声の調子にもよりますが、ちょっと失礼な/横柄な感じに聞こえる可能性があります。― もし誰かが私をジロジロ見ていたり、何も言わずに周りをウロウロしていたりしたら、私はその人にこの言い方をするかもしれません。そんな感じです。もちろん、他の人はこの文について違う見解を持つかもしれませんが、私にはそう聞こえるのです。#8の方がていねいな言い方です。)
#10 and #11 are almost identical. I think they are similar to the first paragraph - you'd use #11 (some help) if it looks like someone is lost or in trouble and needs help, and #10 if you are just enquiring or being polite.
(#10と#11はほとんど同じです。#8と似たようなものです。―#11“Do you need some help?〝は誰かが道に迷っていたり困っていて助けを必要としているように見える時に使い、#10” Do you need any help?”はただ尋ねる時や礼儀として言う時に使います。)
Any of these work, all are perfect.
Will さん:
8,9,10,11 are about the same. It just depends on context. To be a bit more specific, you could say What can I help you with
(#8~11はほぼ同じです。文脈による違いだけです。もうちょっとはっきり言うならば「What can I help you with?」と言うといいでしょう。)
(コメントをくださった Native English Speakerの皆さん)
Will さん:アメリカ人