===My entry===
Title:Vari ed ous Things
I will pick up write up some example sentences listed I found when I did a search in a web dictionary with the phrase “残念です”.
I’m afraid I must be going now.
I’m sorry you feel that way.
We regret that any reduction in the price is impossible.
Unfortunately, the items you ordered on 11/15/02 were sold out
I found that expressions about “残念” are varied.
It’s interesting.
(Japanese sentence is as translated by gyutaku, which maybe include some mistakes..)
I’m afraid I must be going now.
In this sentence, one can say “I’m sorry, but I must be going now” which is an apology before departing. Or “Unfortunately, I must be going now” can be used if it is a merely chance and not your control which makes you have to leave. Or “I regret that I must go now” if you mean that you’d like to stay much longer, but cannot. All mean the same thing. It is a matter of being grammatically correct.
→この場合、出発前の謝罪として”I’m sorry, but I must be going now”と言うこともできます。
また、めったにないことでどうにも調整できない事情で行かなければならない場合に”Unfortunately, I must be going now” ということもできます。
また、もっと長く居たかったけどできないということを意味する”I regret that I must go now”というのもあります。
I’m sorry you feel that way.
In this sentence, none of the other words are usable. One cannot “regret” someone else’s feelings. And other people’s feelings cannot be “unfortunate”. “Afraid” cannot be used either, as the feelings are in their control and not yours.
→この場合、他の言い方はできません。他の人の気持ちを”regret” することはできないですから。
We regret that any reduction in the price is impossible.
In this one can use “I’m sorry, but any reduction in the price is impossible.” As you are apologizing to them. One can use “I’m afraid a reduction in price is impossible.” As you are stating what you cannot do. One cannot use “Unfortunately, any reduction in price is impossible.” One could use this if one were a fellow customer speaking to another customer, but if one owns the store or works there… it is not a matter of “fortunate”, but policy.
→これは”I’m sorry, but any reduction in the price is impossible”と言い換えができます。謝罪としてね。
“I’m afraid a reduction in price is impossible”で、何ができないかの説明。
“Unfortunately, any reduction in price is impossible”は使えません。会員客が他の一般客に対して話している場合はありえなくもないですが、その人がその店の経営者や従業員だったとしたら、”fortunate”の問題ではなくて policy の問題ですから(やはり変です)ね。
Unfortunately, the items you ordered on 11/15/02 were sold out.
In this one can say “I’m afraid the items you ordered were sold out”, since you are delivering bad news. One can write “I’m sorry, but the items you ordered were sold out” in order to lessen the impact and perhaps they will buy something else. One cannot say that “We regret that the items you ordered were sold out”, because it is not the fault of the workers or the store owner.
→この場合は、悪い知らせを伝えるという意味で、”I’m afraid the items you ordered were sold out”と言い換えができます。
影響を抑え客が違うものを買ってくれるように”I’m sorry, but the items you ordered were sold out” と書くこともできます。
“We regret that the items you ordered were sold out”とは言えません、従業員や経営者に落ち度があるわけではないので。
“Unfortunately, …”で、「自分にはどうにもできないということが残念」だ、という意味が出せる。
“We regret that …”で、「自分たちの不手際を残念で申し訳ない」、という意味がだせる。
“I’m afraid that…” は、「残念ですが」よりも「…できません」を伝えることがメイン。
“I’m sorry that …”は、単純にある出来事について自分が残念だという気持ちであるという意味。
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