[調査] gather, collect, aggrigate, pick, accumulate の違い
gather [verb]
to come together and form a group, or to make people do this:
to get things from different places and put them together in one place:
collect [verb]
to get things of the same type from different places and bring them together
to get and keep objects of the same type, because you think they are attractive or interesting
aggrigate [verb]
to be a particular amount when added together
to put different amounts, pieces of information etc together to form a group or a total
pick [verb]
to choose a person or thing, for example because they are the best or most suitable:
accumulate [verb]
to gradually get more and more money, possessions, knowledge etc over a period of time
to gradually increase in numbers or amount until there is a large quantity in one place
gather と collect はどちらも「一つの場所に」持ってくるですね。
ということで、gather は「集める」、collect は「同じタイプの何かを集める」、ってところでしょうか。
で、(人が)集合する/させるは gather、(趣味として)収集するは collect がそれぞれ合う模様。
aggrigate は「合計する」とか「総合する」と解釈したほうがよさそう。
(例) 彼の全財産を集めたら国を一つ買える
pick は「選別する」という意味合いか。
(例) スペシャルチームのメンバーを集める、木の実を集める(食べられるものを選別しますね)。
accumulate は徐々に「溜める」とか「累積する」ですね、きっと。
(例) ポイントカードのポイントを集める
###追記-assembleについて (yamasinaさんコメントありがとう^^)###
I sometimes see "assemble". It's similar, isn't it?
<Me (gyutaku)>
Yes, it is same.
LDOCE said that as below.
assemble [verb]
if you assemble a large number of people or things, or if they assemble, they are gathered together in one place, often for a particular purpose
I think the point of this word is "a large number".
Thank you!
*斜字はLDOCE (LONGMAN Dictionary of Contemporary English) Onlineより抜粋
- 総アクセス数(8,001)