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05:51 rudbydjangoさん






We all know photoshop happens. And I just want to draw attention to the fact that it’s harmful for women. We can’t live up to the standard of perfection.

I mean, when you watch this video, and you see what goes into - we all know, that there’s a little nipping and tacking - perhaps, you know, taking out some wrinkles. But I don’t think people have any idea that they’re literally taking layers off of a person’s body.

Yeah. They, they transformed them completely. I think what people need to realize is when they change the bodyshape of someone, that becomes a little unfair because you have really thin models that might have the tall legs. But they certainly want to have the healthy glow. So this is a video that sort of show what happens all over the place.

Well, you look so terrific before they even took the photoshop brush to you and in 36 seconds we see [you] go from this natural beauty to what people think is natural beauty. Were you yourself shocked when you saw the final result?

I was. I was a little bit sad. I realized how far away I am from that. But this whole experience, all the positive feedback I’m getting has been really empowering.

And the video has been viewed, what, nearly five million times...

Way more than that.

Actually, around 60 million times… there was a…

60 million, now hold on a minute, am I mad right here.

No, it did. There was a user that took it down after ten million or something. So the rest is being out there.

So that has to feel really good for you. I know a big part of why you decided to this video out there was, there’s a sort of movement to have some kind of disclaimer put on photos like this - uh, women that have been severely altered by photoshop.

Do you actually, Tim, ever see a day when that’s happening?

I… I do. I think it’s gonna be a tipping point. I mean, we’re starting, you know, a kichstart campaign, we took a film about it, um, there’s a “globaldemocracy” site people can go and vote for things like this… so, I think that as soon as people decide, you know what - now’s the time - I think they’ll act and this kind of video will help.



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