その後lang- 8 でネイティブの方が添削してくださったので、そちらを紹介します^^
Monday Oct. 6, 2014
I was woken by the sound of rain in tne middle of the night.
It was raining heavily and pelting on the roof like hailstonrs.
I usually like listening to the soothing rain sound but lt wasn't soothing..
I was worried about the roof leaking the roof so I looked up at the ceilling many times.
This morning morning, the rain stopoed.
I'm glad to have a such a quiet moring. I only hear the peeps of little birds.
Today, I have a day-off so I'm relaxing at home.
I turened off the TV, I'm studying English with the some soft music playing in the background.
After lunch I played with my dog.
She is a small breed dog, a Shih Tzu and has a long hair.
She needs a trimming onece once in a month.
I usually use a dog salongsalon to keep my dog clean, but I don't have much money now.
Because I have to get a car safety inspection. In Japan it costs a fourtune fortune. In my case it is about 110000 yen → $1,001.
I decided to trim her hair by myself. I put her on a table and started trimming. Luckily she seemed not too averse to be trimed by me and she kept still so I was able to do it well.
But actually trimming her nails was so hard to me. She dosen't like it.
I managed it at last and now she and I were are beat.
So, she became more cute cuter and I 'm pleased with my work.
It was not too bad for the first time. :D
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