• ようこそゲストさん!



18:50 コピットさん




その後lang- 8 でネイティブの方が添削してくださったので、そちらを紹介します^^

Monday Oct. 6, 2014

I was woken by the sound of rain in tne middle of the night.
It was raining heavily and pelting on the roof like hailstonrs.

I usually like listening to the soothing rain sound but lt wasn't soothing..
I was worried about the roof leaking the roof so I looked up at the ceilling many times.

This morning morning, the rain stopoed.
I'm glad to have a such a quiet moring. I only hear the peeps of little birds.

Today, I have a day-off so I'm relaxing at home.
I turened off the TV, I'm studying English with the some soft music playing in the background.

After lunch I played with my dog.
She is a small breed dog, a Shih Tzu and has a long hair.
She needs a trimming onece once in a month.

I usually use a dog salongsalon to keep my dog clean, but I don't have much money now.
Because I have to get a car safety inspection. In Japan it costs a fourtune fortune. In my case it is about 110000 yen → $1,001.

I decided to trim her hair by myself. I put her on a table and started trimming. Luckily she seemed not too averse to be trimed by me and she kept still so I was able to do it well.

But actually trimming her nails was so hard to me. She dosen't like it.
I managed it at last and now she and I were are beat.

So, she became more cute cuter and I 'm pleased with my work.

It was not too bad for the first time. :D
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Hi, コビットさん!
You're a dog lover, aren't you?
I'm very happy to hear that.
I'm crazy about dogs, too.
Keeping dogs clean is hard work, right?
Good luck!


>>1 sararaさん

Hi sarara-san,

Oh, you are a dog person, aren't you?

How old is your dog?
Mine is 5 yeas old.

I love her and it's difficult to imagine life without her.^^


Good morning, コビットさん!

I had two Old English Sheep dogs.
Both of them passed away.
One was 2 years ago at the age of 10, the other was this July when she was 15 years old.
They were always the apple of my eye.
Very sad. Now I'm still in deep grief....

Please enjoy your time with your beloved dog.


>>3 sararaさん

English Seep dog !! What a cute dog!!

long time ago I happened to see two English Sheep dog when I was walking wth my dog.

They came out from someone's house smiling( I thought), and I thought they were beautiful like a dream.

Yes, they were...

I'd like to share my story with you sarara-san .

My last dog passed away five years ago. He was judt not a dog , he wa a good friend , a teacher, and a part of my family..... We shared good times and bad times.

I 'm sure you feel the same way.

I haven't said Good-bye to him yet...
It is hard to say goodbye to such a special companion.

".. what we have enjoyed, we can never lose ... all that we love deeply becomes a part of us. " Helen Keller

I'm sorry for your loss, Sarara.
