Thank you! My web person checked it out on Sunday and said that my site was fine---it may be your computer has malware or you are using Google chrome which is blocking some wordpress sites!!! Sorry about that! I hope that helps….
月曜日のフレーズは That's very clever! うまくできてるなぁ
Video Monday の動画で ピアノを弾く人形が出てくるのですが、カウボーイハットとか、シルクハットとか、サンタの帽子とか、かぶせる帽子によって違う曲を弾くんです。
この clever は 「賢い」というよりも 「からくりなどが 巧妙な、うまくできてる」という感じかなぁって思います。
Do you have a utility knife whose blade can be broken off as its point becomes dull, don't you?
This design was introduced by a Japanese company Olfa, whose name is meaning "折る刃".
I think the design of the knife is very clever, and
the naming is also a great concept.