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"子育て・しつけ"系単語/英々単語ゲームの復習メモ 2013/11/29

  • 英語の話題


クローバー upbringing [名詞、不可算またはan ~]
芽 the way in which a child is cared for and taught how to behave while it is growing up

りんご a strict upbringing 厳しいしつけ.
りんご One's upbringing largely determines one's success in life. (人は)しつけによって出世するかどうかが大体決まる.

クローバー childrearing → rearing (n.) → rear (v.)
芽 rearing:
1. the process of caring for children as they grow up, teaching them how to behave as members of society
2. the process of breeding animals or birds and caring for them as they grow

クローバー discipline
芽 the practice of training people to obey rules and orders and punishing them if they do not; the controlled behavior or situation that results from this training
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