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16:53 mikapyonさん

English with KatieⅢ 6 【いい子にしてた?】

  • 英語の話題
  • 英語学習資料
12/16 Have you been good or bad?

元ブログ http://englishwithkatie.com/have-you-been-good-or-bad/

VIDEO MONDAY です! ご一緒にどうぞ~

Hi, well, it's the Christmas season.
And it's a Video Monday, time to begin our week.
Now it is party season, it's holyday season.
And often times at the work place or at the party,
people ask you
"Have you been good or bad?"
"Have you been a good girl or have you been a bad girl?
Is Santa going to bring you something?"
"Have you been a good boy or have you been a bad boy?
Is Santa going to bring you something?"
And your answer is
"I have been very good."

So again it's so holiday season.
"Have you been a good girl or have you been a bad girl?"
"I've been very good!"
"Have you been a good boy or have you been a bad boy?"
"I've been very good! Santa is bringing me tons!"

Take care and have a good one and remember be good!
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