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22:39 mikapyonさん

English with Katie 95 【素敵な出会い5】

I made the acquaintance of passionate people.

元ブログ http://englishwithkatie.com/i-made-the-aquaintance-of-pas...

passionate people で思い浮かんだのが、松岡修三!

Katie の言う passionate people は・・・

who are glad to be alive and happy to be doing what they are doing. Passionate people are inspiring to be around.

すごく魅力的な人たち ってことですね!

I feel a little inferior to people those who show their passion too much. But I think it is better to do something passionately when you tackle it.
I made the acquaintance of passionate people when I attended the voluntary activities of story-telling for children.
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