I know It's warm and comfortable there.
It's snowing in Hokkaido.…>_<…
I miss the cherry blossoms in Tokyo.
They were very beautiful.
By the way, do you want to change yourself?
I'll be forty years old come September.
I'm still busy raising children but I want to change myself.
My daughter encouraged me "You study English more."
I replied " I've been studying English."
She said "More!" " Go for it!"
I decided I study English more."
However, I joined the parents' association committee at my daughter's school and kindergarten this spring.
For the kindergarten committee, I lost a rock-paper-scissors game and I became a chairperson of the parents' association.
I'll be so busy this year, I may not be able to study more.
But!! I hope to do my best.(^。^)
本当、そう思います(T ^ T)