<11>I wish (that)+S+仮定法
I wish I knew her name.
=I'm sorry I don't know her name.
I wish I was [were] at home now.
=I'm sorry I am not at home now.
I wish the postman would come earlier.
I wish the post came earlier.
I wish Peter had been there.
=I'm sorry Peter wasn't there.
I wish I hadn't missed the play on TV last night.
=I'm sorry I missed the play.
I wish Susan had been able to come to the dance.
=I'm sorry Susan could not come to the dance.
I wishのかわりにI'd rather thanを使えるがまれ。但し2・3人称の主語もとれる。
I'd rather than you went home now.
I'd rather than you hadn't done that,
You would rather I didn't go tomorrow.
(文語)I wish=Oh that, Would that
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