1 もし彼女が私に電話してくれなかったら、寝過ごしていただろう。
→If she hadn't called me, I would have overslept.
2 もっと早く出ていれば、そのバスに間に合っただろうに。
→If you had left earlier, you would have caught the bus.
3 天気がよかったら、泳ぎに行ったところだが。
→If it had been fine, I would have gone for a swim.
=I didn't go for a swim because it was not fine.
4 天気がよかったら、散歩に行ったかもしれない。
→I might have gone for a walk if it had been fine.
5 招待されていたら、パーティーへ行くことができただろうに。
→He could have gone to the party if he had been invited.
=He couldn't go to the party because he was not invited.
6 君の車を借りられたら、そこに間に合うように着けただろうに。
→If we had been able to borrow your car, we would have got there in time.
=we didn't get there in time because we could not borrow your car.
7 もし私があなたと結婚していたら、私はあの時この仕事を辞めただろうに。
→If I had married you, I would have quitted this job then.
8 もし僕があの時ホームランを打っていたら、チームは勝っていたのに。
→If I had hit a home run, our team would have won the game.
9 もし彼女が電話していなかったら、私はここにいないだろう。
→If she hadn't called me, I would not be here.
10 もしあの飛行機の乗っていたら、今頃は死んでいるだろう。
→If I had caught that plane, I would be dead now.
11 もし私があなたと結婚していたら、いまもっとしあわせだろう。
→If I had married you, I would be happier now.
12 田舎に住んでいなかったから、川で魚捕りができなかった。
→If I had lived in the country, I would have been able to catch fish in the river.
13 マンションに住んでいたから、犬を飼えなかった。
→If I had not lived in an apartment, I would have been able to keep dogs.
14 お金がなかったから、世界を旅行できなかった。
→If I had had enough money, I could've traveled all over the world.
15 (サラリーマンの今)もっといい仕事を見つけるために、英語でも勉強するか。
→If I learned English, I might be able to get a better job.
16 (ありえない、遠い将来)ギネスブックに載るには、あと100年生きないと。
→If I were to live a hundred more years, I would be in the Guinness Book of Records.
- 総アクセス数(3,588)