1 私が鳥だったら、あなたの元へ飛べるのに。
→ If I were a bird, I could fly to you.
=As I am not a bird, I can't fly to you.
2 もしも私がお金を持っていたら、それを買えるのに。
→ If I had money, I could buy it.
=As I don't have money, I can't but it.
3 天気がよければ、散歩へ行くのに。
→ If it were fine, I would go for a walk.
=As it is not fine, I won't go for a walk.
4 もし私があなたなら、その仕事に応募するのに。
→If I were you, I would apply for the job.
5 私達がそれを一緒に運べば、時間を節約できるのに。
→If we carried it together, we could save time.
6 彼が生きていれば、私達は今日、彼の誕生日を祝うだろうに。
→If he was alive, we would be celebrating his birthday today.
7 一切れだけあれば、あなたにあげるのに。
→If there was only one piece, I would let you have it.
8 雨が止めば、出かけられるのに。
→If it stopped raining, we could go out.
9 運転できれば、あなたを観光へ連れて行くだろうに。
→If I could drive, I would take you sight seeing.
10 もしニューヨークへ行けば、自由の女神へ行くだろうに。
→If I went to N.Y., I would go to the Statue of Liberty.
11 もしも飛べたら、世界中を旅するだろうに。
→If I could fly, I would travel all over the world.
12 もし彼がこの町にいれば、これまでにあっているはずだが。
→If he were in this town, I should have met before this.
13 ジョンに会ったら、よろしく言ってくれ。
→If you should see John, give him my regards.
14 もし彼がそれを聞いたら、ビックリするだろうに。
→If he should hear of it, he would be surprised.
(15 飛ばしてしまった^^;)
16 彼が彼女にプロポーズしたら、彼女は彼と結婚するだろうに。
→If he proposed to her, she would marry him.
17 私が10億円持っていれば、新しいビジネスを始めるだろうに。
→If I had 1 billion yes, I would start a new business.
18 彼女が私と結婚しなければ、私は人生の目的を失うだろうに。
→If she didn't marry me, I would lose the purpose of my life.
19 もし僕がスーパーマンだったら、君のところにすぐに飛んでいくのに。
→If I were Superman, I would fly to you right now.
20 ロシア語が話せたら、モスクワ支店に転勤できるのに。
→If I could speak Russian, I could transfer to the Moscow branch.
21 もし宝くじに当たったら、お金を全部君にあげるよ。
→If I won the lottery, I would give all the money to you.
22 (可能性は低いが)もし彼らが明日来ないことになれば、明日を休みにすることができるのに。(未来を展望して仮定法で語る)
→If they didn't visit us tomorrow, we would be able to take tomorrow off.
23 例え太陽が西から昇っても、私は決して約束を破りません。
→If the sun were to rise in the west, I would never break my promise.
24 私達が終電を逃すと、オフィスに泊まることになるだろうに。
→If we should miss the last train, I would stay at the office.
25 もし何か起こったら、すぐに電話して下さい。
→If something should happen, call me immediately.
26 もっといい仕事を得るために、英語を勉強するか。
→If I learned English, I would be able to get a better job.
27 もしこのことが起こったら、あなたはどうしますか?
→What would you do if this happened?
28 もし乗客が飛行機酔いしたら、私は彼に薬をあげます。
→If a passenger had airsickness, I would give him some medicine.
29 もし乗客が酔っぱらって騒いだら、彼に静かにするようにいいます。
→If a passenger got drunk and noisy, I would tell him to be quiet.
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