I make and post some English sentences for daily training.
If you found any mistakes in them, please let me know.
この書き込みは、英語学習の一貫として私 gyutaku が作った英作文です。
<Word of the day (from
http://www.learnersdictionary.com/ )>
rarely [adverb]
not very often
・She rarely talks about her past.
・These machines only need to be fixed very rarely. = These machines rarely need to be fixed.
・The temperature rarely [=seldom] drops below freezing here.
・Rarely do we see this kind of weather in our area.
・Only rarely is surgery necessary to treat this condition.
<Examples by gyutaku>
He rarely makes a mistake about English grammar.
not very のイメージがまだ掴めていません。
http://www.learnersdictionary.com/ からの抜粋