I make and post some English sentences for daily training.
If you find any mistakes in them, please let me know.
この書き込みは、英語学習の一貫として私 gyutaku が作った英作文です。
<Word of the day (from
http://www.learnersdictionary.com/ )>
That's the way the cookie crumbles [idiom]
(informal) used when something bad has happened to say that you must accept things the way they are
・I'm disappointed that I didn't get the job but that's the way the cookie crumbles. [=that's how it goes]
<Examples by gyutaku>
It's too terrible to say that's the way the cookie crumbles.
同じ意味のものとして、ALC では以下のような表現がありました。
That's the way things happen.
That's the way the ball bounces.
That's the way things are.
That's the way the mop flops.
That's the way life is.
What must be, must be.
What shall be, shall be.
What will be, will be.
Whatever happens happen.
If is happens, it happens.
Take things as they come.(ことわざ)
http://www.learnersdictionary.com/ からの抜粋