I make and post some English sentences for daily training.
If you find any mistakes in them, please let me know.
この書き込みは、英語学習の一貫として私 gyutaku が作った英作文です。
<Word of the day (from
http://www.learnersdictionary.com/ )>
minimal [adjective]
very small or slight in size or amount
・The storm caused minimal damage.
・The costs were minimal.
・areas at minimal risk for flooding
・They made the repairs with minimal disruption [=with the least possible disruption] to the schedule.
<Examples by gyutaku>
He said that he always adopts efficient ways with minimal efforts, but, in my opinion, all of them are unethical cheats.
ついでに minimum の定義もみてみますと、
minimum [adjective]
least or lowest possible in amount or degree
・They made the repairs with minimum [=minimal] disruption to the schedule.
・What are the minimum requirements for the job?
・minimum height/weight
・The minimum sentence for her crime is 10 years.
・a minimum security prison [=a prison in which prisoners are allowed more freedom than in most other prisons because they are not considered dangerous or likely to escape]
minimul はとても小さい、少ないという意味
minimum は取りうる値の中で最も小さいという意味
http://www.learnersdictionary.com/ からの抜粋