or not to be チャウ!To be ten made to be博士の愛した数式にも引けをとらん。
Fool, you care! Cow was to become me is note.古池や
you might think but today's cold fish.言うまいと
My father is my mother.わがママ
Truly call on day, more nighterもう泣いた
Oh, my son near her gay girl!禿がある
More she more she car may your, car may son your.もしもし亀よ
A book to a little friend, I didn't know.本当はちっ友
Do you smoke? I'm sorry.吸いません
In the department store, I asked a lady. But she ran fully.知らん振り
When I traveled in Kyusyu, I fell down in Oita. "Oh, ouch!"おお、痛
Do you have tonsils? She didn't answer.扁桃腺
I am a cat. My lungs are two.我輩は
Do you know when the earthquake took place? I have no confidence.地震なし
I live in Edo.
Oh she my. Sign your narrow.お終い
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