But be careful! As we just heard with Carolina, sometimes the words don’t have the same meaning at all! The word ‘constipada’ in Spanish looks and sounds the same as the English word ‘constipated’. But the meaning is completely different. We call these words ‘false friends’. They look or sound the same as a word in another language – so you think they are ‘friends’ - but they don’t have the same meaning.
Tom先生の解説で‘false friends’を知る。当然false friends in Japaneseもある訳で
half~Mixed-race,glamour~Large-breasted (woman),happening~An unexpected occurrence, a surprise,man~Man. Used as a suffix with various jobs, such as "guard man" and "salary man".mansion~Block of flats, condominium.pierce はearrings。
その後にfalse unclesの出番です。
A doctor died in the blue-train.why?
Because,the blue-train is 寝台車。死んだ医者。
Let's go to the rainbow party.
これだけ頼んでも彼女はShe ran fully.
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