毎週土曜日22時からアメーバピグのココネ広場でWho am I?という英語ゲームをやっています。
(1) Who am I?
Usually, most people dislike me.
But once every 12 years, I am a symbol of the year.
(2) Who am I?
People buy me in New Year's Day.
No one knows what items are hidden inside me.
(3) Who am I?
We are good omens.
You will be lucky if you dream of us on New Year's eve.
(4) Who am I?
I have a peculiar servant.
My instrument is a Japanese lute.
I'm a goddess of art and commerce.
(5) Who am I?
I'm an everyone's favorite food.
You'd like to eat me during New Year's holidays.
There is a famous commercial that makes you want to eat me.
(6) Who am I?
I'm a weird looking thing.
You see me on New Year's dishes.
I'm red and I'm looking like a tiny worm.
(7) Who am I?
I'm a popular place in Kanto region.
Many people visit me especially in new year and summer.
I'm famous for cat and baby sardine.
The assumed suspect of creating computer virus send a message to the police that he/she put an USB memory card on a cat's collar which lives inside me.
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