DAY 11
I’ll say something in Japanese and you express it in English.
Here’s the first one. How do you say 沼地 in English.
沼地 is swamp.
Use the word swamp to make this sentence: ルイジアナには沼地がたくさんあります. Go ahead.
Louisiana has a lot of swamps. / There are a lot of swamps in Louisiana.
Next try to say this : 生息している. How do you say that in English? Go ahead.
The answer is live. It’s easy. Okay, use “live” to say this: どんな動物が沼地に生息していますか? Go ahead.
What kind of animals live in swamps?
Next let’s try to say this animal: ワニ. How do you say it in English?
The answer is alligator or crocodile.
This month, let’s use alligator. So try to make this sentence: あそこにワニがいますよ. Go ahead.
There is an alligator over there.
I’ve never seen an alligator before.
Next how do you say “お風呂に入る” in English?
The answer is “take a bath”. That’s a hint for this word: 日光浴をする. How do you say that in English?
The answer is “take a sunbath”. So try to make this sentence: ワニが日光浴をしています.
An alligator is taking a sunbath.
ルイジアナ州の鳥(Louisiana State Bird is the brown pelican)
Try to say this: このペリカンは州の鳥です.
This pelican is the State Bird.
And finally, let’s talk about Japan’s National Bird.
The pheasant is Japan’s National Bird.
今週はAll English Dayです。上のディクテーションは順番通りではありません。要約して書いてみました。
Next how do you say “お風呂に入る” in English?
The answer is “take a bath”. That’s a hint for this word: 日光浴をする. How do you say that in English?
The answer is “take a sunbath”.
DAY 12
S : We’ll talk about something in Louisiana and round the world bugs. Jenny, are you scared of bags?
J : I have to say a little bit.
S : I see.
I’ll say it in Japanese and you express it in English.
Here’s the first one. How do you say 虫、昆虫 in English?
The answer is a bug or insect.
Today let’s use bug or 複数形 bugs.
Try to say this: 虫が怖いですか? Go ahead.
Are you scared of bugs? / Are you afraid of bugs? Either one is fine.[どちらでもいいです]
Here’s the next one. 虫があなたのジャケットに付いています。 Go ahead.
There’s a bug on your jacket.
And next. How do you say 虫除けスプレー in English?
The answer is bug spray. [There’s another word for this which is insect repellent: 虫除け. But everyday conversations bug spray is widely understood.]
Oh, so it’s easy but can you make a sentence?
Try to say this: 虫除けスプレーはどこで買えますか? Go ahead.
Where can I get [buy] some bug spray?
Next. How do you say カマキリ in English?
The answer is praying mantis. You can just say mantis but it’s easier to understand with praying. [答えはpraying mantisです。mantisとだけ言うこともできますがprayingを付けたほうがわかり易いです]
Now let’s make a sentence. 靴の上にカマキリがいますよ。
There is a small praying mantis on your shoe.
Next. How do you say バッタ in English?
The answer is grasshopper.
Okay, let’s make a question. この音はバッタですか?
Is this sound from grasshoppers?
Here’s next one. あなたの首に蚊が止まっていますよ。
There’s a mosquito on your neck.
Close the door. The mosquitoes will get in.
I hate cockroaches and mosquitoes.
DAY 13
望遠鏡 telescope
May I look in your telescope?
Let’s look at the moon with a telescope.
ピント focus
It’s not focused.
It’s focused now.
双眼鏡 binoculars
May I use your binoculars?
How do I focus the binoculars?
Just use this dial.
I’ll try to focus it.
1: mewmewnecoさん
DAY 11
I’ll say something in Japanese and you express it in English.
Here’s the first one. How do you say 沼地 in English.
沼地 is swamp.
Use the word swamp to make this sentence: ルイジアナには沼地がたくさんあります. Go ahead.
Louisiana has a lot of swamps. / There are a lot of swamps in Louisiana.
Next try to say this : 生息している. How do you say that in English? Go ahead.
The answer is live. It’s easy. Okay, use “live” to say this: どんな動物が沼地に生息していますか? Go ahead.
What kind of animals live in swamps?
Next let’s try to say this animal: ワニ. How do you say it in English?
The answer is alligator or crocodile.
This month, let’s use alligator. So try to make this sentence: あそこにワニがいますよ. Go ahead.
There is an alligator over there.
I’ve never seen an alligator before.
Next how do you say “お風呂に入る” in English?
The answer is “take a bath”. That’s a hint for this word: 日光浴をする. How do you say that in English?
The answer is “take a sunbath”. So try to make this sentence: ワニが日光浴をしています.
An alligator is taking a sunbath.
ルイジアナ州の鳥(Louisiana State Bird is the brown pelican)
Try to say this: このペリカンは州の鳥です.
This pelican is the State Bird.
And finally, let’s talk about Japan’s National Bird.
The pheasant is Japan’s National Bird.
今週はAll English Dayです。上のディクテーションは順番通りではありません。要約して書いてみました。
Next how do you say “お風呂に入る” in English?
The answer is “take a bath”. That’s a hint for this word: 日光浴をする. How do you say that in English?
The answer is “take a sunbath”.
2: mewmewnecoさん
DAY 12
S : We’ll talk about something in Louisiana and round the world bugs. Jenny, are you scared of bags?
J : I have to say a little bit.
S : I see.
I’ll say it in Japanese and you express it in English.
Here’s the first one. How do you say 虫、昆虫 in English?
The answer is a bug or insect.
Today let’s use bug or 複数形 bugs.
Try to say this: 虫が怖いですか? Go ahead.
Are you scared of bugs? / Are you afraid of bugs? Either one is fine.[どちらでもいいです]
Here’s the next one. 虫があなたのジャケットに付いています。 Go ahead.
There’s a bug on your jacket.
And next. How do you say 虫除けスプレー in English?
The answer is bug spray. [There’s another word for this which is insect repellent: 虫除け. But everyday conversations bug spray is widely understood.]
Oh, so it’s easy but can you make a sentence?
Try to say this: 虫除けスプレーはどこで買えますか? Go ahead.
Where can I get [buy] some bug spray?
Next. How do you say カマキリ in English?
The answer is praying mantis. You can just say mantis but it’s easier to understand with praying. [答えはpraying mantisです。mantisとだけ言うこともできますがprayingを付けたほうがわかり易いです]
Now let’s make a sentence. 靴の上にカマキリがいますよ。
There is a small praying mantis on your shoe.
Next. How do you say バッタ in English?
The answer is grasshopper.
Okay, let’s make a question. この音はバッタですか?
Is this sound from grasshoppers?
Here’s next one. あなたの首に蚊が止まっていますよ。
There’s a mosquito on your neck.
Close the door. The mosquitoes will get in.
I hate cockroaches and mosquitoes.
3: mewmewnecoさん
DAY 13
望遠鏡 telescope
May I look in your telescope?
Let’s look at the moon with a telescope.
ピント focus
It’s not focused.
It’s focused now.
双眼鏡 binoculars
May I use your binoculars?
How do I focus the binoculars?
Just use this dial.
I’ll try to focus it.
4: siesta8093さん
>>3 mewmewnecoさん
5: mewmewnecoさん
>>4 siesta8093さん
6: siesta8093さん
>>5 mewmewnecoさん