3/30 対話カラオケ Test & Contest
最終週の木曜日は、対話カラオケ Test & Contest です。 お題は、Hat Shopping です。
1: blueideaさん
3/30 Welcome to ETT Hats. I'm Ian. Hi. Ian. Are you looking for a hat for yourself or someone else ? Myself and maybe my daughter, too. OK. Are you looking for a casual or formal hat or one for sports ? I'm looking for a stylish hat for a big outdoor party. So in what season do you plan to wear the hat ? Spring. It's a cherry blossom party in Washington,D.C. I see. How about this one ? That looks pretty good. Do you wear hats often ? Actually, no. But the dress code for the party said wear a stylish hat. Look! This one might work. It's not too flashy and it might look great on you. Yeah. That's stylish. And here's the same hat in a different color. And one more. That's a little similar. Try one of these. OK. This one might be fun. That hat looks great with your facial structure. That hat was made for you. You're right. I'll take this one. OK. So have a look around the store. I'll be at the register. OK. Thanks for your help, Ian. 最後の部分、help の後、何か言ってるんでしょうか?
2: コピットさん
>>1 blueideaさん 調べてみました。 最後の部分は、どうやら OK. Thanks for your help, Ian. と、相手の名前を言ってるようですよ~ 私は音源がないので、そのところ確認できないんですけど。。
3: blueideaさん
>>2 コピット。さん 調べてくださってありがとうございますm(__)m 訂正しました。 Ian でしたか! 「ヘルピーヤン」 と聞こえるのですが、まさか名前だとは思いませんでした。 固有名詞や人名の聞き取りは難しいですね。
4: コピットさん
>>3 blueideaさん いえいえ、Sure, anytime! ^^ あ、ヘルピーヤンでしたか! help + Ian なるほど~ たしかに固有名詞、人名は、予知できないので、難しいですね!
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1: blueideaさん
Welcome to ETT Hats. I'm Ian.
Hi. Ian.
Are you looking for a hat for yourself or someone else ?
Myself and maybe my daughter, too.
OK. Are you looking for a casual or formal hat or one for sports ?
I'm looking for a stylish hat for a big outdoor party.
So in what season do you plan to wear the hat ?
Spring. It's a cherry blossom party in Washington,D.C.
I see. How about this one ?
That looks pretty good.
Do you wear hats often ?
Actually, no. But the dress code for the party said wear a stylish hat.
Look! This one might work. It's not too flashy and it might look great on you.
Yeah. That's stylish.
And here's the same hat in a different color. And one more. That's a little similar. Try one of these.
OK. This one might be fun.
That hat looks great with your facial structure. That hat was made for you.
You're right. I'll take this one.
OK. So have a look around the store. I'll be at the register.
OK. Thanks for your help, Ian.
最後の部分、help の後、何か言ってるんでしょうか?
2: コピットさん
>>1 blueideaさん
OK. Thanks for your help, Ian.
3: blueideaさん
>>2 コピット。さん
Ian でしたか!
「ヘルピーヤン」 と聞こえるのですが、まさか名前だとは思いませんでした。
4: コピットさん
>>3 blueideaさん
いえいえ、Sure, anytime! ^^
あ、ヘルピーヤンでしたか! help + Ian