3/2 対話カラオケ Test & Contest
最終週の木曜日は、対話カラオケ Test & Contest です。 お題は、You're retiring this spring! Chat about it. です。
1: siesta8093さん
Blueideaさんの書き込みですが、別スレに上がっていたので、移動しました。 ------------------------------ 3/2 It feels like spring today. Yeah. It feels great. Do you have any plans for spring ? Actually I'm retiring this spring. You're retiring this spring ? In March or April ? I officially retire on March 25th. Well, How do you feel about it ? Well, I don't feel anything yet. Maybe I'll feel bored, but I've been working for 30 years. So it's time. Well. I feel a little sad. Because you're leaving this office. Same here. I'm gonna miss you and everyone at the hospital. Are you gonna focus on your hobbies or a special project ? Well, I think I'll travel and learn about photography. I love taking pictures of wildlife. Are you planning to do anything special this year ? I wanna do something called Ohenro. You go to a lot of temples and purify yourself. Some people learn new languages after they retire. Are you gonna learn a new language ? Yeah. I think I'll keep studying English and maybe I'll learn Spanish, too. Well. I'll give you an early congratulations on your retirement. Thank you. Good luck with your hobbies and projects. Thanks. I'll send you a picture of a place called Shikoku.
2: siesta8093さん
Same here. I'm gonna miss you and everyone at the hospital. →Same here. I'm gonna miss you and everyone at our hospital. ここは、ourと聞こえたような気もする、ぐらいなので、theでいいのかも。 というか、この人は病院にお勤めだったのでしょうか? 実は、hospitalのところがなんだかよくわからずに何度も聞き返していました。
3: blueideaさん
>>2 siesta8093さん 移動してくださったんですね。すみません!! 今、聞き直しましたが our ですね! また the と our を聞き間違えました^^; 私も唐突に hospital が出てきて戸惑いました。 病院に勤めてるんだ!って思いました。
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1: siesta8093さん
It feels like spring today.
Yeah. It feels great.
Do you have any plans for spring ?
Actually I'm retiring this spring.
You're retiring this spring ? In March or April ?
I officially retire on March 25th.
Well, How do you feel about it ?
Well, I don't feel anything yet. Maybe I'll feel bored, but I've been working for 30 years. So it's time.
Well. I feel a little sad. Because you're leaving this office.
Same here. I'm gonna miss you and everyone at the hospital.
Are you gonna focus on your hobbies or a special project ?
Well, I think I'll travel and learn about photography. I love taking pictures of wildlife.
Are you planning to do anything special this year ?
I wanna do something called Ohenro. You go to a lot of temples and purify yourself.
Some people learn new languages after they retire. Are you gonna learn a new language ?
Yeah. I think I'll keep studying English and maybe I'll learn Spanish, too.
Well. I'll give you an early congratulations on your retirement.
Thank you.
Good luck with your hobbies and projects.
Thanks. I'll send you a picture of a place called Shikoku.
2: siesta8093さん
Same here. I'm gonna miss you and everyone at the hospital.
→Same here. I'm gonna miss you and everyone at our hospital.
3: blueideaさん
>>2 siesta8093さん
今、聞き直しましたが our ですね!
また the と our を聞き間違えました^^;
私も唐突に hospital が出てきて戸惑いました。