『Daughters of the Moon』 は何か特別な意味がある言葉???
ウイキペディアにはこういうのがあります。 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daughters_of_the_Moon Daughters of the Moon is a novel series /by Lynne Ewing. /It is about four fictional girls, /later five,/ who are mortal goddesses/ and fight an ancient evil called The Atrox./ They each have different powers, destinies, and dark sides./ They all wear moon amulets. /When they turn 17,/ they have to make a choice. /They can either become something more/ or continue their lives /– but as mortals who have forgotten their lives /and consequently, their powers,/ as Daughters of the Moon./ All of the Daughters live in Los Angeles, /battling the Atrox and its dark Followers./ / で切っておきましたので、これで読んでみてください。 命と引き換えに得た特赦な能力を得た死神の女性たちが4人(のちに5人)、、アトロックスたち悪魔と戦う小説 それの主人公を「月の娘たち」というようです。
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