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[English-English dictionary game] トピック




1 attempt
to make an effort in order to achieve something

2 microwave
an oven that uses electromagnetic waves to cook or defrost food quickly

3 download
to transfer data onto a person's computer from a website or another computer

4 statue
a large sculpture of a human or an animal created in honor of the model or as a symbol of a particular place, religion, event, etc.

5 transcript
an official document that shows a student's academic record

6 timetable
a schedule that shows when trains, buses, airplanes, etc. will arrive or depart

7 merge
to combine two or more companies into one company

8 shortage
a situation where there is not enough of something needed

9 sale
an event in which a store sells goods at discounted prices

1モバQ rainstorm
heavy rain, usually accompanied by violent wind