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[English-English dictionary game] トピック




a rounded mark or stain made by foreign matter, as mud, blood, paint, ink, etc.; a blot or speck.

something that mars one's character or reputation; blemish; flaw.

a small blemish, mole, or lesion on the skin or other surface.

a small, circumscribed mark caused by disease, allergic reaction, decay, etc.

a comparatively small, usually roundish, part of a surface differing from the rest in color, texture, character, etc.

a place or locality

to sully; blemish.

to detect or recognize; locate or identify by seeing

to place or position on a particular place

to stop (a railroad car) at the exact place required.

pertaining to the point of origin of a local broadcast.
broadcast between announced programs.

made, paid, delivered, etc., at once:


a succession of musical sounds forming an air or melody, with or without the harmony accompanying it.

a musical setting of a hymn, poem, psalm, etc., usually in four-part harmony.

the state of being in the proper pitch

agreement in pitch; unison; harmony.

proper adjustment, as of radio instruments or circuits with respect to frequency.

harmonious relationship; accord; agreement.

Archaic. frame of mind; mood.

to adjust (a musical instrument) to a correct or given standard of pitch (often followed by up).

to adapt (the voice, song, etc.) to a particular tone, to the expression of a particular feeling, or the like.

to bring (someone or something) into harmony.

to adjust (a motor, mechanism, or the like) for proper functioning.

to adjust (a circuit, frequency, or the like) so as to bring it into resonance with another circuit, a given frequency, or the like

to adjust (a receiving apparatus) so as to make it compatible in frequency with a transmitting apparatus whose signals are to be received.

to adjust (a receiving apparatus) so as to receive the signals of a particular transmitting station.

to put into or cause to be in a receptive condition, mood, etc.; bring into harmony or agreement.

to give forth a musical sound.

to be in harmony or accord; become responsive.


to change by imperceptible degrees into something else

to cover or screen (a candle, light, etc.)

to protect (something) from light, heat, etc., by or as by a screen

to screen or hide from view

to obscure, dim, or darken

comparative obscurity

the comparative darkness caused by the interception or screening of rays of light from an object, place, or area

a place or an area of comparative darkness, as one sheltered from the sun




