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[English-English dictionary game] トピック






to give, direct, or aim something:
鉛筆The jury ★ed a verdict of not guilty.

to save someone from a painful or bad experience:
鉛筆Is there nothing that can be done to ★ these starving people from their suffering?

to achieve or produce something that has been promised:
鉛筆The government has failed to ★ (what it promised).

to (help) give birth to a baby

to take goods, letters, parcels, etc. to people's houses or places of work



a small but noticeable amount of anger in someone's voice

the point just before something very different and noticeable happens
鉛筆The company is on the ★ of collapse.

an advantage over other people

the outer or furthest point of something
鉛筆They built the church on the ★ of the village.

the side of a blade that cuts, or any sharp part of an object that could cut



an agreement with a shop or business that allows you to buy things and pay for them later

a customer who does business with a company

a written or spoken description of an event

to think of someone or something in the stated way:
鉛筆She was ★ed a genius by all who knew her work.

an arrangement with a bank to keep your money there and to allow you to take it out when you need to



the end of a pregnancy when a baby is expected to be born

the conditions that control an agreement, arrangement, or activity

the period of time that a legal agreement lasts for

the fixed period of time that something lasts for

a word or expression used in relation to a particular subject, often to describe something official or technical

one of the periods into which a year is divided at school, college, or university