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[English-English dictionary game] トピック


2013年7月19日 復習問題



used before a noun or noun phrase to add emphasis

of a particular or similar type

**** as it is
used to suggest that something you have referred to is of low quality or not enough

**** and ****
used to refer to something that you do not want to name or say exactly


第2問 動詞・名詞

a stage in a process

an action in a series of actions taken for a particular purpose

the largest difference in sound between two notes that are next to each other in the western musical scale 《音楽》音階、音程

to put your foot on or in something

to move by lifting your foot and putting it down in a different place

a particular movement that you make with your feet when you dance

one of the surfaces that you walk on when you go up or down stairs


第3問 名詞・動詞

a special and enjoyable occasion or experience

to put a special substance on material such as wood, cloth, metal, etc. or put it through a special process, in order to protect it from damage or decay

an occasion when I, you, etc. buy or pay for something for another person

to buy or pay for something for another person

to use drugs, exercises, etc. to cure a person of a disease or heal an injury



a business that contains several different companies

a number of people who play music together, especially pop music

a number of people or things that are put together or considered as a unit



to control something using the hands

to treat a part of the body, using the hands to push back bones into the correct position and put pressure on muscles

to control something or someone to your advantage, often unfairly or dishonestly



to think or feel a particular way about someone or something

to make a judgment in a law court

to realize that something exists or has happened

to discover, especially where a thing or person is, either unexpectedly or by searching, or to discover where to get or how to achieve something



to be told facts or information that you did not know

to start to understand that you must change the way you behave

to make yourself remember a piece of writing by reading it or repeating it many times

to get knowledge or skill in a new subject or activity






1. Capable of causing death
2. Of, relating to, or causing death
3. Extremely harmful; devastating

答え⇒ lethal (リーサルウェポンシリーズはお好き?)

a. Any of various birds of prey of the family ******idae having a short, curved beak and long, pointed, powerful wings adapted for swift flight.
b. Any of several birds of these or related species, such as hawks, trained to hunt small game.
c. A female bird of this type used in ******ry.
2. A small cannon in use from the 15th to the 17th century.

答え⇒ falcon (ネバーエンディングストーリーのファルコンは鳥ってより犬顔)

1. to take vengeance or exact satisfaction for
2. to take vengeance on behalf of.

答え⇒ avenge (revengeは私怨による仕返し、avengeは不正や悪事に対して正義感からくるもの。アベンジャーズは正義感いっぱいのヒーローたちなのだ!)
