23件中 1件~20件を表示
Happier - sweeter
Indeed in general I hold that there is nothing t ruer than happiness, and nothing happier and swe eter than truth.
When we hurt each other we should write it down in the sand, so the winds of forgiveness can mak e it go away for good. When we help each other w
Life is like a camera lens. Focus only on what’s important and you can capture it perfectly.
Nếu…thì vẫn còn sống…
Lại nói về Trương Liêu… Lữ Bố và Trương Liêu die cùng lúc và gặp nhau trên thiên đàng… LB: ủa, sao mày chết thế??? tao nghe nói SIDA 10 năm
Because..You're my friend
The rain may be falling hard outside But your s mile makes it alright I’m so glad that you’re my friend I know our friendship will never end.
There are only two ways to live your life. One i s as though nothing is a miracle. The other is a s though everything is a miracle - Albert Einst
Some Things You Just Can't Explain
A farmer was sitting in the neighborhood bar get ting drunk. A man came in and asked the farmer, "Hey, why are you sitting here on this beautiful
The Silly Mother
Once upon a time there lived a girl called Maya . One day when she came home from school she wen t straight to her mother and said ” Mummy , toda
Life always offers you a second chance. It’s cal led tomorrow.
Education plays a great role in everyone’s life by building personality, improving knowledge and skill and providing feeling of well being of a
Ca chua va dua..
- Hung: Mui cua cau giong nhu qua ca chua, xau l ắm. Phai mui doc dua nhu to moi dep - Dung: uh, dung roi, nhung "nuoc dua" dang chay kia! - Hung
Xa roi..!
Nguoi em yeu hom nay da xa , xa em chon nao. !? Nguoi em yeu tu nay da khong con la rien g em..!
Ghet nhat.!
-Nang: Hom qua anh xem trom nhat ki cua em phai khong? -Em ghet nhat la nhungnguoi di xem trom nhung thu cua nguoi khac. -Chang: Uh! sao em bie
Cho treo, meo day..
- Mo: Con Con o nha trong mam com.Nho la cho tre o meo day day. Mo phai di dang nay mot lat. Mot lat sau… - Mo: The nao xong chua con? - Quynh: D
Tuong than ve nu..!
Vôva đi vào lớp và ngắm nhìn tượng thần Vệ nữ. H ôm sau cô giáo hỏi cả lớp. - Các em thích những bộ phận nào trên bức tượng kia? - Cô ấy có cánh
Hai vo chong cai nhau: - Ong la cai do biet an m a khong biet nau - Ba tuong ba ngon lam ha. tui con do hon ba, cai do biet nau ma khong dam an..
What's happend?... I don't know what am i have to do right now? I need your shoulder.. i need w arm your hand.. I need sweet your kiss... I need
The Top Bunk
He and his brother slept in a bunk bed. He had t he bottom bunk. His brother had the top bunk. Th e top bunk had a guard rail. The rail kept the s
My life is a story..!
My life is a story..! when I was a young, I want to be came a tour guide.. because my hobbies is travel around of the world... 4 years ago, when
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23件中 1件~20件を表示
Happier - sweeter
Indeed in general I hold that there is nothing t
ruer than happiness, and nothing happier and swe
eter than truth.
コメント(0) | 総アクセス(909)
| もっと読む
When we hurt each other we should write it down
in the sand, so the winds of forgiveness can mak
e it go away for good. When we help each other w
コメント(0) | 総アクセス(958)
| もっと読む
Life is like a camera lens. Focus only on what’s
important and you can capture it perfectly.
コメント(0) | 総アクセス(931)
| もっと読む
Nếu…thì vẫn còn sống…
Lại nói về Trương Liêu… Lữ Bố và Trương Liêu
die cùng lúc và gặp nhau trên thiên đàng… LB:
ủa, sao mày chết thế??? tao nghe nói SIDA 10 năm
コメント(0) | 総アクセス(995)
| もっと読む
Because..You're my friend
The rain may be falling hard outside But your s
mile makes it alright I’m so glad that you’re my
friend I know our friendship will never end.
コメント(1) | 総アクセス(993)
| もっと読む
There are only two ways to live your life. One i
s as though nothing is a miracle. The other is a
s though everything is a miracle - Albert Einst
コメント(0) | 総アクセス(959)
| もっと読む
Some Things You Just Can't Explain
A farmer was sitting in the neighborhood bar get
ting drunk. A man came in and asked the farmer,
"Hey, why are you sitting here on this beautiful
コメント(0) | 総アクセス(866)
| もっと読む
The Silly Mother
Once upon a time there lived a girl called Maya
. One day when she came home from school she wen
t straight to her mother and said ” Mummy , toda
コメント(0) | 総アクセス(863)
| もっと読む
Life always offers you a second chance. It’s cal
led tomorrow.
コメント(0) | 総アクセス(841)
| もっと読む
Education plays a great role in everyone’s life
by building personality, improving knowledge and
skill and providing feeling of well being of a
コメント(0) | 総アクセス(949)
| もっと読む
Ca chua va dua..
- Hung: Mui cua cau giong nhu qua ca chua, xau l
ắm. Phai mui doc dua nhu to moi dep - Dung: uh,
dung roi, nhung "nuoc dua" dang chay kia! - Hung
コメント(0) | 総アクセス(884)
| もっと読む
Xa roi..!
Nguoi em yeu hom nay da xa , xa em chon nao.
!? Nguoi em yeu tu nay da khong con la rien
g em..!
コメント(0) | 総アクセス(874)
| もっと読む
Ghet nhat.!
-Nang: Hom qua anh xem trom nhat ki cua em phai
khong? -Em ghet nhat la nhungnguoi di xem trom
nhung thu cua nguoi khac. -Chang: Uh! sao em bie
コメント(0) | 総アクセス(932)
| もっと読む
Cho treo, meo day..
- Mo: Con Con o nha trong mam com.Nho la cho tre
o meo day day. Mo phai di dang nay mot lat. Mot
lat sau… - Mo: The nao xong chua con? - Quynh: D
コメント(0) | 総アクセス(931)
| もっと読む
Tuong than ve nu..!
Vôva đi vào lớp và ngắm nhìn tượng thần Vệ nữ. H
ôm sau cô giáo hỏi cả lớp. - Các em thích những
bộ phận nào trên bức tượng kia? - Cô ấy có cánh
コメント(0) | 総アクセス(1,091)
| もっと読む
Hai vo chong cai nhau: - Ong la cai do biet an m
a khong biet nau - Ba tuong ba ngon lam ha. tui
con do hon ba, cai do biet nau ma khong dam an..
コメント(0) | 総アクセス(938)
| もっと読む
What's happend?... I don't know what am i have
to do right now? I need your shoulder.. i need w
arm your hand.. I need sweet your kiss... I need
コメント(1) | 総アクセス(923)
| もっと読む
What's happend?... I don't know what am i have
to do right now? I need your shoulder.. i need w
arm your hand.. I need sweet your kiss... I need
コメント(0) | 総アクセス(927)
| もっと読む
The Top Bunk
He and his brother slept in a bunk bed. He had t
he bottom bunk. His brother had the top bunk. Th
e top bunk had a guard rail. The rail kept the s
コメント(1) | 総アクセス(961)
| もっと読む
My life is a story..!
My life is a story..! when I was a young, I want
to be came a tour guide.. because my hobbies is
travel around of the world... 4 years ago, when
コメント(0) | 総アクセス(897)
| もっと読む
23件中 1件~20件を表示